Meet Jessica
A.K.A. The Boss. Or to the rest of us, the best person to ever meet and have the pleasure of working with. A mother of 3, she takes care of her company the same way she takes care of her sons, with love and compassion but also no-nonsense. Her vision to have something this incredible available to anyone, has brought us all here to reap the rewards of her dream. When asked how she came up with the Sculpt Pod, she lets you know, she was not where she wanted to be after having her third child both physically and mentally. She was physically exhausted and had no time to devote to hours of workout, making additional meals for herself since growing boys do not need to be eating diet food, and losing the drive to try and feel better about herself, she prayed. She prayed and God answered, in the form of The Sculpt Pod.
Meet the Rest of Us
The Sculpt Pod company is proud to be primarily woman driven, and consists of a small team of associates who handle everything from sales to web design to outreach and more. Each one of us tried the pod, wanted to know more and found ourselves working for something we know is an amazing product. In the end we have all become friends and found our niche in the company and as we grow, we hope to see more friendship and creative ideas emerge.