Change your whole body in 15 minutes every other day!

Why choose one area when you can change your whole body in 15 minutes every other day!    

A natural approach to weight loss

Our Sculpt Pods are exclusive to Sculpt Pod, INC and we use a Patent Protected Process of the highest form of Infrared Heat, LED Red Light, Skin Tightening Cream, Massage + Vibration to slim, contour, tone and tighten your body - 

All in one session!

Our Technology - The massage/vibration plate in the Sculpt Pod vibrates your body softly while you receive red light and infrared at the same time. This stimulates the body to release lymph fluid. This fluid is full of toxins and fat - the red light is shrinking the fat cells where they eventually (this is why multiple seasons are needed) pop open and is carried out in the lymph fluid. Your body drains this fluid naturally by sweating and urinating.  

Benefits of The Sculpt Pod Include:

• Weight Loss + Fat Reduction

• Inch Loss + Body Contouring

• Skin Tightening

• Cellulite Removal

• Reproduction of Collagen

• Breaks Down Scar Tissue

• Improves Metabolism

• Diminishes Varicose Veins and Spider Veins

• Accelerates the Natural Healing Process

• Improves Lymphatic Drainage and Circulation

• Reduces Stress + Fatigue

• Relieves Discomfort Associated with Swelling

• Improves Nephropathy Symptoms + Rheumatoid Arthritis


Sculpt Pod